160 Tracks
Cloak of Kings Hum Corridor

Dense pads and improvised horn and flute voices create a majestic atmosphere. 

Tom Churchill Stratus

Foreboding drones with a hint of melodic fragility. 

Americana guitar frills with a distinctive Southern vibe.

Tom of England Solitaire

Eerie and spacious synth tones

A grumbling yet atmospheric scan of wide screen landscapes. 

Monumelt Techno Maghreb
130 BPM

Mechanical machine sounds over allusions of synth melodies and gaseous vapours. Beat and beatless versions.

Bass and Electric guitar improvisations. 

Michal Turtle Leaving by Sea
100 BPM

A landscape of soft tribal drums and aquatic synth swells populated with ethnic chants and exotic instrumentation.

Atmospheric electronic hums support contemplative string arrangements.

Steve Beresford Quiet Piano Events II

Disparate, randomly placed and metallic sounding prepared piano notes create a feel of suspense and gentle surprise.

Tom of England Times Glass

Time is running out and the feeling is frantic. 

Funky staccato bass with meandering guitar improvisation. 

Brooding orchestral tones meld with austere electronic drones.

Disparate, inquisitive, sometimes wooden sounding  prepared piano notes creating a feel of suspense and gentle surprise.

Tom of England Sun Signs

Wild synth improvisations and aggressive bass tones. 

Slightly more animated, dotted, prepared piano étude, creating a feel of intrigue  and suspense.

Tom of England Time Creeps

Tracks in the sand revisited. 

Michal Turtle Moonlight Madness

A fun and funky piano house track with plenty of character.

Michal Turtle Ampersand Circus

A freestyle groove with idiosyncratic percussion, funky bass and offbeat synth blasts.

Michal Turtle Eegah

Tribal percussion, rhythm guitar licks and electric piano chords provide the foundations for this laid back house groove.

Michal Turtle City Slicker

A rolling sequence and an ominous bassline recontextualised by curious gargling sounds.

Cloak of Kings Floaty

Stirring string melodies that paint elegiac scenes. 

Cloak of Kings Dew

Icy synth atmospheres populated with choral snippets. 

Doomy bass drones contrasted with soul stirring melodies. 

Cloak of Kings Trees Talking

Catchy New Wave motifs and thudding drums create a retro pop vibe. 

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